Ingrid Nagl CST

Certified SHEN Therapist


I came across SHEN Therapy when I was a student of Psychotherapy and needed assistance with emotional pain and triggers from the past, which could not be resolved with talking therapy alone.

Over the past 10 years SHEN has assisted the healing from childhood trauma and intergenerational trauma, as well as past injuries which I was not aware had effected me deeply and lead to repetitive injuries. I have come to understand the recovery/healing process as an ongoing deepening of a sense of Self and enjoyment in life and a growing experience of Wholeness, rather then something in me that needs to be changed or cured.

“I bring many years experience as a Psychotherapist and am trained as both an OPEN FLOOR Dance and Movement teacher and a Therapy in Motion practitioner. SHEN therapy has proven to be a wonderful addition to my therapeutic tool-kit and I enjoy being able to meet clients with a range of options according to what they bring.  I am continuously impressed with the results within a relatively short period of time, when treating a variety of issues with SHEN therapy”

Mbr. International SHEN Therapy Association
Waiheke Island , Auckland

Registered Psychotherapist and Therapy in Motion Practitioner, practicing in CBD Auckland and Waiheke Island



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