About SHEN

… it’s like starting life afresh!

SHEN® Emotional Release Therapy is a fresh approach to emotional health.

SHEN® adopts a scientifically researched concept of how emotion actually works, and merges it with the physics of the biofield (where emotions reside in the body).
This allows a powerful process of emotional healing and personal evolution from the inside out, that works with the body’s natural processes rather than a mental/verbal approach.

SHEN® can enhance emotional well-being and balance by resolving  anxiety, sleeping problems,  stress,  panic attacks, migraines, , unresolved grief, IBS, eating disorders, reactive depression, sexual and physical abuse, burn-out, phobias,  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and by accelerating physical healing from injuries and operations

Bringing emotion into science


How SHEN® can help you..

Many people report improved relationships with family, friends and  work colleagues, as their inner emotional conflicts resolve with SHEN®. Others experience surprisingly rapid recovery from repressed grief, fear, shame, jealousy, hopelessness and abuse. Constrictive emotional and behavioural patterns dissolve when emotional pain clears with SHEN®. Most people experience more energy once the weight of their past emotional trauma, both conscious and unconscious, lifts.

“SHEN® worked when nothing else helped me”

What are SHEN® sessions like?    You lie fully clothed on a special SHEN® “cradle”, close your eyes and relax. That’s it! There’s no need to move or interact during the therapy session. The practitioner gently places their hands on and around the body in a specific set of “unlocking” sequences that are carefully tailored to your individual needs.

During a session you may feel deeply relaxed and you may even fall asleep for a while. People sometimes experience mild tingles and/or other physical sensations. Emotion and memories associated with past events often come up. These can range in intensity;  however, your SHEN® therapist will carefully support you through the experience. They facilitate whatever healing you and your body are ready to achieve.

Who can benefit?  Anyone of any age (including babies and the elderly) can benefit from SHEN®.

What are SHEN’s® origins?

SHEN® is the acronym for Specific Human Emotional Nexus. Richard Pavek, an American  researcher, ascertained and established the physics of the biofield in 1977 and 1978. SHEN® was born, and over the next 12 years he worked out, researched and documented the unique principles of emotional dynamics that guide SHEN® practitioners. Thirty years on, Richard is still actively dedicated to fine-tuning current SHEN® practice.